About Clark Narvas

Clark Narvas using computer

Clark Narvas: Creating an impact for non-profits, individuals and businesses.

I’m a multi-hyphenate. I build a range of different static and interactive media including websites, applications, videos and graphics on digital and physical forms.

My interest in a lot of different areas stems from the family computer. I used them to learn programming languages and creative media through online communities.

I know several programming, scripting and database languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, SQL, PHP and Ruby. I also use programs such as Figma and the Adobe Creative Suite to enhance my design skills. I aim to do both: be able to design the front-end, build it and eventually learn how to build and manage the back-end fundamentals.

My work is defined as a proficient organiser who is efficient and delivers with quality. I’ve used these skills to create an impact in non-profit organisations and campaigns.

(C) Copyright Clark Narvas 2023